G'day all

My wife and I are off to the north-west of Australia and The Top End
from Saturday.  As is usual for major trips, I'll be blogging as we go -
although internet access will be unavailable in some areas so updates
wont be daily.  If anyone is interested in following along with the
trip, here's the blog link:


As we'll be heading north by way of the north-west, I just had to name
the blog after one of my favourite movies...

Unusually for us, we're doing an organised tour.  We'd prefer to drive
ourselves but the distance and road conditions in the area are beyond
the capabilities of our ageing station wagon. 

The worst thing about preparing for a trip like this isn't so much the
packing, it's getting the house and property set up for our absence. 
Fortunately, this time my son and his partner will be house sitting for
much of the time.

Packing for this trip has been more challenging than usual because of
the weight restrictions on the tour.  I've had to abandon the idea of
taking the laptop, so blogging and photo backups will have to be handled
by the Samsung tablet - a new experience for me. There's also no room
for a tripod and even getting the K5 in has been a difficult squeeze.

Anyway, the upshot of all this is that the August PUG will be a tad late
- so you have a little longer to contemplate the theme - 'Simplicity'.



Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia

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