Every year for the last 40, thousands (20,000 est this year) gather in western Iowa to ride their bikes from the Missouri river to the Mississippi river in one week 60-70miles a day. . They ride everything from unicycles to tandem tricycles. They are all ages, sizes, and both sexes (more men than women) It is a different route each year and many ride year after year. Some of them start the ride by biking the route from east to west and then joining the others for the return. They eat a lot of carbs drink lots of beer and profess to have a great time. Many find out that Iowa is not as flat as they had heard.

I rode a very short way with them. BTW my brother dubbed the ride Tour de farms many years ago and made a tidy sum for many years selling T-shirts on the ride with the slogan and original artwork by his wife.

This year they stopped in my hometown and here is small gallery of their stop. Some Pentax; some not. C&C as always.


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