Steve, I almost bought that... even went back to look at the image again. :-)


steve harley Wed, 30 Sep 2015 13:11:30 -0700 wrote:

On 2015-09-30 13:10 , Igor PDML-StR wrote:

Mark, I enjoyed your posting of the obvious fake.

I just came across this one (the first photo of the guy):

Never mind that unidentified (by me) celestial object.
(Actually, now I am acurious if it is the Earth in the sky... Is that
Indonesia-Malaysia region or somewhere around Sea of Japan?)

The halo around the hair and even neck is similar to what I see when my
little kid who is still developing fine motor skills, cuts out a picture
with scissors.
It's disappointing when a multi-billion company does such a sloppy job.

the man's head is actually composed of thousands of LEGOs, which accounts
for the jagged edge

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