I feel your pain. My *ist-D has a few issues, so it would sell for maybe $25 if I could find someone who wanted it. It's like the Pentax H3, I bought one a few years ago to get the lens, (a SMC Takumar 35mm f3.5), it was like getting a bargain on the lens because no one wanted the camera shaped lens cap. I would have had to pay considerably more for the lens alone.

So I guess my advice is really boils down to very bad advice, put a desirable Nikon lens on it, and expect about half what the lens alone is worth, for the camera and lens.

On 10/19/2015 10:57 AM, David J Brooks wrote:
I have a bunch of older Nikons that no one seems to want. Any one in
the same boat, what do you do with them, kepp them, scrap them>>


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immortality through not dying.
-- Woody Allen

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