> I'd agree that the error is no big deal, if tolerance really meant "plus or 
> minus." It doesn't. When was the last time you read a test report that 
> found that a lens gave you more of what you thought you paid for? A 20 mm 
> that measured at 19.4 mm? A 200 mm that gave you 205 mm?  An f/2 that was 
> f/1.9? When all the error falls on the "cheaper to make" side, that's 
> called cheating.

I agree, Paul.  As I said recently in another thread:

"I have always thought that lens makers in general (and not just
Pentax) tend to use a little bit of, er, um, well, shall we say,
'imagination' in 'stretching' the specs just a bit, as shown by most
published lens tests I've ever seen. That is to say...

1.  Apertures are generally a tad less generous (i., a wee bit
narrower) than advertised.

2.  Wide-angle lenses are generally not quite as wide as advertised.

3.  Telephoto lenses are generally not quite as long as advertised.

4.  Zoom lenses generally have focal length ranges less generous
(i., narrower) than advertised (and generally at both ends of the
zoom range, too).

This happens so often that it is almost comical..."

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