On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Igor PDML-StR <pdml...@komkon.org> wrote:
> Dave,
> What mode of metering were you using?
> (center) spot? matrix? center-weighted?

I use centre weigh excusivly with all lenses

> You probably know this, but just in case:
> If you are using a matrix or even center-weighted, and you have lots of
> bright sky in the frame, that can lead to underexposure.
> From your description of the scene, it sounds that there could be plenty of
> bright sky (or, perhaps, something else very bright, say, bright-yellow
> field of ripe grains [wheat, rye]).

Shots into the sun yes, usually require +.7 or eve +1 but shots with
sun t my back never required more than +0.3
> And, of course, having the sun in the frame produces the same effect, but
> even worse.

> The same can happen if you are using spot metering, and the spot (the center
> by default, unless you configured it to match the focus point, and that one
> is to a side) is not on the subject, - you can get the same effect.

My main concern is that i used two lenses last week at the Model A
shoot, same light some shooting but +0.3 siufficed with the 55-300 +2
looks like the norm

> HTH,
> Igor
> On Jul 22, 2016, at 3:58 AM, David J Brooks wrote:
>> So i used the 55-300 at the plowing demo yesterday. Hot humid and
>> dusty day. The unit itself focused quite nicely, it fits well on the
>> K-5 and my hand zoom barrel stiff but thats fine. Barrel fully
>> extended makes for a bit of a shaky hand held. IQ and sharpness seem
>> decent enough. Only thing and i'm not sure its due to the lens or the
>> camera metering but when using the 17-70 or the 50-200 a +.3 EV
>> correction is needed. I used +0.7 and all of the DNG's are still way
>> under exposed. I would normally get a small amount of under exposure
>> shooting into the sun with my other lenses but every shot, into the
>> sun or with the sun, is quite a bit under exposed. I'll need to adjust
>> every one in LR.
>> Any thoughts on this.
>> Dave
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