At 11:35 12-5-2002 -0400, David Brooks wrote:
>Hi all.Just tried a few scans froma 4x6 colour
>print.I posted them,with comments at:
>I did not remove dust etc but used 3 different
>scan options;Silverfast,Epson Twain and the
>Photo panel default screen.

I agree with your comments, the Silverfast scan is sharpened too much. 
There is not much to choose between 1 and 3 but my preference goes out to 
number 3. The horizontal whisker on the cat isn't as distorted. It would be 
interesting to see some bigger scans.

BTW nice effect on the tree from the IR film. Looks really prickly. I'd 
like to see some of the others you did


Wendy Beard
Ottawa, Canada
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