This must be car day. Speaking of Dodge Chargers, I was crew
chief/mechanic on a Dodge Charger funny car in the early seventies.
Ironically, I found a picture of that car on the web JUST THIS MORNING
... some thirty years after it was taken. The Charger was a drag race
car with a supercharged, nitro burning engine. The block, head castings,
and crankshaft were all ofF the shelf Chrysler items. Everything else
was aftermarket or home made. Its best time was 226 miles per hour in
6.54 seconds. The picture here was taken at St. Louis in 1973. That's me
in front of the car. I  would help the driver get in his tracks after
doing a burnout and, with hand signals, tell him how well I thought it
was going to hook up. I remember this day like it was yesterday. We went
6.71, 221 on our first pass which was second best out of 16 cars that
were there for this booked in show. The days I spent touring with that
race car were the best days of my life. I got all misty when I found
this photo.
    Apparently, someone named Charles Schubert took the photo. I never
met him, and I had never seen this photo until this morning. But, hey,
thanks for the picture Charles.

John Coyle wrote:
> Hey Cotty, I had one of those once!
> In Australia, the Charger was thought of as pretty much a rev-head's
> car, but my mother loved hers (mind you, the last time she drove one of
> my cars, I watched cruising at 130 in a 100 zone with some trepidation,
> so she's no little old grey-haired lady!).  Later on, I bought one
>  with the 351 engine while another car was repaired after hitting a
> Brahman bull at just under 100k - not recommended.  Very basic car,
> quite light for it's time, so had great performance.
> Incidentally, over the week-end I had the chance to drive a new Holden
> Monaro: that is quite a car!  4.4 litres of well-tuned power, great
> seats and good brakes.  This is going to be the dream car for a lot of
> guys who care about driving.
> John Coyle
> Brisbane, Australia
> On Sunday, May 12, 2002 7:31 PM, Cotty [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> > PS- when I was growing up in the south Bay Area, Ca, the car I had my
> >
> > heart set on was a '72 Dodge Charger. <SNIP>
> > Cotty
> >
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