Steve Larson asked (in Re: Do Zooms teach visual discipline? Was: Advice Needed):

Was that the rules, to leave the camera home? My daughters first holy communion was 
weekend before last, (wife is catholic, I`m protestant, good thing we don`t live in 
Ireland), and the rules were no cameras, I`m still fuming!

"No camera" was my wife's rule. She and the girls are dead-set against my 
photographing anything. My live-in mother-in-law welcomes and encourages it. 

Lina and the girls even don't want to take the five 5-watt two-way radios when they go 
to Disney World this July. I'm counting on my mother-in-law to talk sense into them. 
(wife: "You paid $225 apiece for them, used? I thought you paid about $45 each!" 
Right, for a MIL-SPEC A/B/C-cerfified radio (Vertex VX-10).

Anyway, the rabbi loves when I photograph events, as long as it's not on the Sabbath 
or other holy day when the Sabbath's 39 categories of "creative labor" (a poor 
translation), including winding a spring and activating an electric circuit, are 
forbidden. The Bar Mitzvah was held on a Sunday so that the rabbi could welcome one 
and all without worrying that they would break the Sabbath on his son's account.

At the bar mitzvah, I handed out photos of congregants whom I had photographed with my 
SMC 200/2.5 on the synagogue's inauguration two months back. You should have seen this 
elederly Iranian beam when I gave him a closeup of him and his grown son praying 
together. No words were needed. On the back of each print is a label with lens and 
exposure data and "For a free electronic JPEG copy, write to 

Last night on Gilmore Girls, 30-something Lorelai was mortified to discover that her 
blue-blood (old-money) mother had shown up at Lorelai's college graduation with a 
hired moviographer and sound man. The two men followed Lorelai onto the stage when she 
received her diploma! That's excessive, even by my generous standards of what is 

As for the rabbi who discouraged her flock from taking pictures of their lives, I'd 
like to know how she'd feel if her parents had no such visual memories to pass down.


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