Hi, list --

Took my new MZ-S to its first serious outing over
the weekend, Brian Redman's vintage sportscar races
in West Virginia. First impression: I'm going to
learn to like this camera very, very quickly.

To get the negative out of the way first: As an
eyeglass wearer, in bright ambient light I had trouble 
reading the viewfinder display at the bottom (though the
exposure bar graph was usually fine). 

Second, even though I had set the PF not to let the leader 
out, somehow it managed to reload the same roll I had just 
rewound. First roll was ruined, but it probably was due to 
operator error. Didn't happen again. In fact, I love the
way it lets me reload one-handed while balancing a 400/2.8
atop the monopod, and sets the ISO for me. 

I really like the ergonomics, especially with the
BG-10 mounted. Enough heft, but not too much. As
road-test writers write, "the shift lever falls
readily to hand." All the significant buttons fall
readily to fingertip and feel very natural to use.
(Being new to both autofocus and shutter priority
AE, it'll take a little longer to learn how and when
to use them.) I could even use the shutter release on
the grip in horizontal orientation, which might help
my habit of flinching and dropping at the critical
instant while panning. I'm sure I'll find some ergonomic
nitpicks as time goes on (like the location of the
AF-point selector), but I think that's all they'll
be: nitpicks. It already feels really instinctive.
Thanks, Pentax. 

Though I don't yet have any AF lenses, the trap-focus
and focus confirmation features of SAFOX system impressed 
the heck out of me. Even with the big glass and a 1.4X-L 
mounted, confirmation would almost always let me pick up 
some bit of crap on the track (pebble, piece of tire tread, 
etc.) to set my focal zone, and trap appeared to nail the shot 
as a car drove into it time after time. I say "almost always"
because sometimes it would fail to lock on some seemingly
obvious feature like a transition from asphalt to concrete,
or a section of white line, and the finder display would keep
going out before I found something the sensors liked. That got 
annoying. Trap also seemed to work quite well while panning, 
provided I had chosen a good focal zone to begin with.

The proof will be when the pictures come back, of course,
but for now the MZ-S makes me happy.

(Happy is good, because over the same weekend I picked up
a ration of heartbreak: I think I trashed my pride-and-joy LX 
beyond repair, but that's a whole other tale of woe...)


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