And speaking of a Google search, there doesn't seem to be a dedicated Point of Sale version of Windows Vista, but XP will be supported more or less fully as a Point of Sale system until April 2019. It is possible that a future update will render a non POS installation of WinXp unbootable, but that seems unlikely. Still I've updated to Windows 7.

On 5/29/2017 11:21 PM, P. J. Alling wrote:
I don't remember exactly what needs to be changed in the registry, but a google search will probably turn up the proper setting, and you can cause WinXP to identify itself as XP PoS, (Point of Sale, now go wash out your brain with soap), and I think you'll still get "regular" updates, not just malicious software removal tool updates, for another year or two.

I can't remember exactly what date that version goes out of support, but it's a lot later than the standard. I don't think there was a POS version of Vista, except, that a lot of people will tell you, all Vista installations were POS, but that's a different matter entirely.

On 5/29/2017 7:13 PM, Bruce Walker wrote:
Unless they changed something radically, you should still get updates.
I keep a copy of WinXP in VMware to run the odd Windoze thing and it
still gets updates from time to time. The few times I've installed it
from scratch, it has spent the next three or four days installing
updates from ancient times and rebooting.

It's almost as much fun as watching old Three Stooges reruns. When I
see those old Windows dialogues and the hokey graphics I hear the
sound effects of Larry poking Moe in the eyes. Poink-poink-poink!
Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. Sproingggg!

On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 5:47 PM, Brian Walters <> wrote:
On Tue, May 30, 2017, at 04:24 AM, mike wilson wrote:
You'll not be updating a Vista laptop any more. You missed the deadline
about a month.

Doesn't that mean no future updates?  I'd assumed I could still apply
past updates if I could just get Windows Update to cooperate.



Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia

On 28 May 2017 at 22:44 Brian Walters <> wrote:

I might have to try that.

My old Vista laptop hasn't been updated for about a year because the
Update just stayed on 0% downloaded for hours. I'll try the overnight



Brian Walters
Western Sydney Australia

On Mon, May 29, 2017, at 05:39 AM, John wrote:
1. I finally got Windoze Update working on the Toshiba.

Based on something I read on a Microsoft forum, I left it running
overnight searching for updates. There were 18 updates available when I got out of bed this morning. Apparently the Update Client has to update itself before it will find updates. I'm installing them in small batches based on release date, oldest first. So far, I've only had one to fail.
I'll try that one again after I've installed all the others.

2. Egghead finally coughed up a page full of refurbished laptops with
Windows 7 Professional 64bit installed.

If I still end up having to replace the Toshiba, my NEW plan is to get
one of these. Linux can wait until I can no longer get Windows 7.

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