So yesterday was "studio shoot" day for some of my photography
students (and some from another class). Needless to say, it was a
massive amount of work. But it was still fun and educational. 

Since we had to work with a lot of students we split things up and had
them shooting in groups of 3 or 4 at a time. We standardized the
lighting setup with a couple of Alien Bees with umbrellas (the school
doesn't have any soft boxes). I had every student set his/her camera
to manual exposure, ISO 100, 1/125 shutter speed and f/8. And since
the school only has one radio trigger we had everyone use their
camera's pop-up flash to optically trigger the main strobes.

This setup worked well. Except when it didn't. Some cameras just
didn't get along with this and produced dark photos. In fact, some
(not all) produced uniformly dark shots even after changing aperture.
I'd have two students with budget Nikons set to identical
configurations and one would work perfectly and the other wouldn't.
(Unfortunately, due to the number of students coming through, I didn't
have time to make a list of cameras that exhibited the problem and
those that didn't.)

After she shoot was all done I think I worked out what was going on: I
believe it was caused by the pre-flash that DSLRs use to meter before
the main flash. I don't know the details but I suspect the pre-flash
was triggering the studio strobes before the shutter had a chance to
open. Of course, when you're on manual exposure there's no reason for
the camera to have a pre-flash at all, but it may be left on because
the manufacturer didn't want to add additional code to the firmware
(in the case of the cheapest cameras). The cameras that seemed to
yield a uniformly dark exposure regardless of aperture may have been
operating in manual mode as far as ambient light was concerned but
modulating flash power independently.

Anyway, we solved the problem by letting any student whose camera had
trouble shoot for a while with the radio trigger. 

Whew. A lot of work. But very gratifying in the end. Glad the
semester's almost over.
Mark Roberts - Photography & Multimedia

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