Jostein wrote:

>After a harddrive replacement a good year ago, Photoshop CS6 has kept 
>nagging me for its license key every time I open the program. All online 
>suggestions for fixing have been tried to no avail.
>So, now I'm thinking it's time to move on. CS6 is getting old, and the 
>UI does not scale well on larger screen resolutions. But a CC 
>subscription is not an option.
>Anyone on the list using Corel Paintshop Pro or Affinity Photo?
>- I'd love to hear your experiences. :-)

I've been using Affinity Pro. The interface obviously takes some
getting used to - the massive inertia of Adobe's installed user base
is probably its biggest asset these days - but the software as a whole
is very good.
Mark Roberts - Photography & Multimedia

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