> On 19 Nov 2018, at 11:57, Steve Cottrell <co...@seeingeye.tv> wrote:
> On 18/11/18, Daniel J. Matyola, discombobulated, unleashed:
>> I am not inviting a political debate or discussion, but from this side of
>> the pond, it appears that the political system of the UK i coming apart at
>> the seams over Brexit.  I'm certain it is stressful and discomforting for
>> everyone over there.
>> Being a Brit these days must be almost as uncomfortable as being a devotee
>> of a camera brand that is being deserted by the company that now owns the
>> brand,
> Haha. Yep we're all just stopping in our tracks and imploding on the 
> sidewalks. The mess is bearable as long as you've got surgical gowns on.
> Everyone is just going about their daily business and nothing has changed. 
> The future will prove interesting for us - there will doubtless be a general 
> election  announced in the coming days - Theresa May will not be able to get 
> her Brexit bill through parliament, kicking off no-confidence vote, and 
> leading to the inevitable. What happens then is anyone's guess.
> We're British - we're more interested in the weather.

Well, if you can bear it take a look at the Brexit-related comments on some of 
the BBC forums - I'm sure weather forums are not like that. The whole thing is 
a collective descent into madness. There is no reasoned discussion, and the 
reason the Leave won and Remain lost is that Leave played on the emotional 
aspects of it all, while Leave tried to play to reason. But it is not an issue 
where reason really matters for most people - I for one am pro-Europe by 
emotion at least as much as I am by reason. What it means is that the arguments 
are simply playground mud-slinging and very tiresome once you're past the 
initial entertainment of it all.

The problem is, if there's another referendum and Remain wins, the Leave camp 
will never shut up, they will beaver away obsessively just as they did after 
the 1974 referendum, with their lies and prejudices and bigotry. If Leave win I 
suspect Remain will accept that the war is over and the bad guys won. I did 
march in favour of another referendum a couple of weeks ago, with 700,000 
others - I don't think we'll get one, but I think it's important to make our 
voice heard because there is a real slide towards tyranny of the majority, and 
the notion of winner takes all, even though the Leave majority was less than 
4%. It's a very worrying slide.

The other thing is that if we do indeed leave it will be the leave voters who 
suffer from the economic consequences, not the leaders of the Leave movement, 
who are feathering their own nests and intend to strip the workers of their 
rights as soon as they get the chance, or the middle-class oldies like me. They 
are robber barons of the worst sort, lying, conniving little shits who've used 
people to further their own interests. I'm a mild-mannered sort of chap, but 
I'd to see the whole fucking lot of them hanging from lampposts in Parliament 
Square. In the name of tolerance and democracy.

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