
I have found that two things cause enablement for the 67 system.
First is to hold and use it.  For those who enjoy the old manual days
(early K thru M), the feel and usage of the system is nothing short of
wonderful.  Those liking the Super Program and later bodies might like
the 645n better.  But, oh, the feeling of using that big, smooth
system is so enjoyable to me.  With the 67II you even have more
metering options (Center Weighted, Spot and Matrix).

The second and perhaps bigger enablement factor is looking at the
negs/prints or slides from this system.  Simply astounding!  There is
such a marked difference between that and 35mm.  I used to pursue the
very best optical quality lenses I could and the slowest, finest
grained film to produce good shots.  The 67 size has it all over 35mm.
 It makes it very easy to choose when to use the 67 - whenever
 possible!  There are still some cases where 35mm works better, but
 image quality suffers.

 Once bitten, it is hard to resist.

Brother Bruce

Tuesday, June 11, 2002, 2:48:03 PM, you wrote:

FV> frantisek (When I shot with Aaron's 67 and 2.8/75 AL this weekend,
FV> I made the worst mistake of my life... now I want one of my own
FV> too!!! Aaron's the best enabler here in the 'hood of bloat - oh
FV> sacrilege <g>)
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