It's good to know there is someone who shares my view on the LX.

Alan Chan

>I was talking to the fellow who I sold my F3 to when I was
>financing the move to Pentax. He is a busy working pro, and
>figures in the past 15 years since he bought the camera he has
>put about 10,000 rolls of film through it. The thing has never
>seen a repair shop, and has worked flawlessly for him. I
>probably ran a couple of thousand rolls through it myself, with
>no trouble, so it has seen a whole bunch of use.
>The F2 that I owned prior to the F3 went to hell and beyond for
>me, and faithfully served me for 10 years, then served it's next
>owner just as faithfully for another 16 years until a boating
>accident finally killed it.
>Up until then, it was in the repair shop once, 6 months after
>going naked through the windscreen of my car at close to 50 MPH
>Meanwhile, my LX's seem to last about a year and a half between
>expensive repair jobs.
>I do like them, but I am glad I don't have to depend on them to
>put food on the table.
>I am also glad I am able to afford to keep them in the
>gentrified lifestyle they demand.
>My 3 LX's will cost in excess of $1200.00 this year in repairs.
>Based on the amount of film I shoot with them, and the repair
>frequency, I figure I am paying about $12.00 per roll of film,
>plus the cost of the film and processing, for the pleasure of
>using Pentax's finest camera bodies.
>Mu buddy with the F3 figures the camera was close to free, based
>on the number of exposure cycles it has given him, with
>absolutely no input costs other than the initial purchase price.
>What really annoys me is that they are so unreliable though I
>don't treat them badly. I live in a dry climate, I don't pound
>on them, and I don't run a lot of film through them, but I run
>enough to keep them exercised. They just don't seem as reliable
>as they should be.
>I did talk to the Pentax service manager today. He seemed quite
>annoyed with my plight, including apologizing for his staff
>member lying to me (his words, not mine).
>It seems they still don't have the parts in stock to do the
>repair, they were shipped parts that did not fit my camera. Some
>modifications were done during the production life, and my
>camera is one of the ones that was pre modification.
>He seems to think it is repairable, but he doesn't know quite
>how long it will take.
>William Robb

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