Thanks for the tip.  I'm hoping that it will work well for me.  I
can't stand not being able to scan my 67 stuff and I just can't afford
or justify one of the film scanners at this point.  Your tip, along
with others I have read will give me more ways to improve my scanning
success. I'll keep you posted as to how it goes.


Thursday, September 5, 2002, 5:37:27 PM, you wrote:

JCOC> Good luckwith it! I'm delighted with mine for MF.
JCOC> (not bad for 35mm either, but slow).
JCOC> Good price too. It's amazing at the cheap
JCOC> prices for the quality of imaging gear now.
JCOC> I cant believe the quality of my 1280 printer
JCOC> for only a little over $300 bucks. Too bad
JCOC> the paper and inks arent free.....

JCOC> BTW, heres a tip to get the most out of your
JCOC> 6X7 negs and slides. I had some freshly developed
JCOC> TMAX the other day which was buckling in the holder
JCOC> and wouldnt scan sharp. I placed the neg dead center in the
JCOC> holder which leaves about a cm on both sides.
JCOC> I then place two mounted 35mm slide holders
JCOC> on each side on top of of the neg so that when i closed the top
JCOC> it would push down the film where needed.
JCOC> Worked like a charm. BUT, usually i dont have
JCOC> to do this if the film lays reasonably flat.


>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bruce Dayton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 8:04 PM
>> To: PDML
>> Subject: Epson 2450
>> There has been much written and discussed about this scanner.  I
>> believe on big reason is that it represents the only choice to scan
>> medium format at a price point that won't break the bank.
>> I had tried one in the past and wasn't overall happy with it.  Based
>> on JCO's experiences, reading many reviews on the web and a real
>> desire to be able to scan my MF stuff, I have ordered one once again.
>> I am hoping that armed with more knowledge on how to handle the
>> scanner and Epson having some time to fix any QC problems, that I will
>> be happy with this one.  That is my intention.
>> For those who care, I was able to find it at samsclub.com for the
>> price of $299.95!
>>  Bruce

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