>Subject: RE: Rectangular filter systems
>Pesonally, as grads in particulare are used for landscapes where I often
>use the Fa24 or Sigma 17-35, Cokin P is probably too small, and I am
>thinking seriously about Lee.  You can get some combo packs of lee grads
>& stuff which look quite interesting and I think I can afford it.  Cokin
>X-Pro is just ridiculously expensive.

Oh, I know. I was looking to get a filter holder and a couple of filters 
for the 55mm 67 lens. I almost fainted at the price of the X-Pro stuff.
Needless to say I didn't buy anything. If I had have done, I wouldn't have 
been able to afford to go on holiday so negating the use for the filters 


Wendy Beard
Ottawa, Canada
home page http://www.beard-redfern.com

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