I'm very pleased with Priority (USPS) service.  The packaging they
provide is also a big plus for my requirements.  I send  four or five
Priority packages a week.  Can't remember any real problem(s), except
for items sent to one of my associates in another state who quite
frequently receives out-of-state sourced Priority packages late.   Have
no idea why.  We just work around it.  Where delivery is critical, I
always use Express with USPS, or the appropriate premium service at Fed
Ex/UPS -- only remember one late arrival in about 10 years using these
services --- probably were more --- my memory ain't what it used to be


Fred wrote:

> > Not to malign UPS, but the USPS has done much better by me.
> > 2-3 days via USPS Priority Mail and cheap!
> My experience with USPS Priority Mail has been outstanding. Hundreds
> of shipments to and fro, and almost always within 3 days max, and
> never a lost shipment.  Never.
> Fred

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