The recent Origins thread regarding some of our first
cameras got me thinking about my old k1000 and others
I used when first starting. It also got me thinking
how I entered photography and I thought I might share
it with others in the hope others may have some fun
sharing their first photographic experiences.

For me, well.. A good friend and I were about 19-20 years
old and unemployed in Sydney, so we decided to head off
on a round Australia trip, picking up work as we went.
This was 1979.

We found ourselves in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.
Like most towns in WA it is in the desert and the
primary industry is mining. Before too long we had
work in some mines, and with this experience were
able to travel to other locations and were readily
accepted as experienced miners. At that time we were
taking home some AUD$800.00 per week, big dollars in
that time. I decided to purchase a camera to record
our travels and unique work environment and purchased
my first PENTAX.

I was at the time workin at the Windarra Nickel Project,
(Windarra is approximately 400km from anywhere)
an underground mine of 1200 metres, and took the camera
down the hole and took some photo's of my collegues
and the mining operation. Many of the other miners 
thought it would be good also to have their photo taken
whilst underground to send back to their loved ones.
Many miners worked in these remote locations for 6-12
months, sending their pay packets home, before returning
home themselves.

I soon found I needed to charge for this service as
the cost of film/processing was getting high. As we
travelled to other mines in the desert I was able to
eke out a good start in photography, especially low
light situations.

How did you get started?

Kind regards
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
Kevin Waterson
Byron Bay, Australia

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