My father had a Contaflex II that a friend of him brougth back from 
Germany in 1957 I think (the year I was born).  At about 13 I began 
to take some photos with it, mostly when we were out for camping. 
Almost ten years later, I wanted something mine and different, and I 
bought a Canonet GIII QL 17 in a small artisanal photographers shop. 
I remember a customer telling me the lens had such an aperture that I 
would be able to take photos of the moon.  I still ask myself "what's 
the point" (pun... the point on the negative...).

A few years later, while talking with a hometown friend obviously 
knowing what he was talking about, I remember he declared that a 
Pentax MX would be about the best think I could buy if I wanted to 
have a SLR.  A few months later I saw 2 cheap Pentax lenses in Mexico 
(28mm & 135mm) and bought them as my mind was set on the MX.  I got 
the MX body while visiting  New York 2 months later and a 50mm 1.4 
from the same place I got the Canonet, just before they closed (they 
were doing their 35mm work with Leica and Pentax and had great prices 
from Pentax Canada).

I have stayed with Pentax ever since.  Well, I tried a C*n*n T-90 + 
Angénieux 35-70 lately but found the kit uneasy to handle in low 
light situations.  I am used to big Pentax K-series primes lenses now 
and think I would loose time learning to use another kit, even the 
MZ-S I acquired recently and, yes, again, that I want to sell or 

The MX is a great hiking camera.  The LX is a great camera.  Pentax, 
my dear friend...


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