In answer to Rüdiger's question,

43mm/1.9 shows as "F 1.9" on the MZ-S, but as "F2.0" on the MZ-M 
(definitely) and also on the MZ-5n (from memory)
73mm/1.8 shows as "F 1.8" on the MZ-S, but as "F1.7" on the MZ-M and 
MZ-5n (again the 5n is from memory)

The MZ-S spec sheet and manual both say K-AF2 mount, though.


On Sunday, Sep 8, 2002, at 20:33 Europe/Dublin, Pål Jensen wrote:

> Rüdiger wrote:
>> when I used lenses with odd f-stops like 1.9, 1.8 oder 3.2 I noticed 
>> that
>> the MZ-S gives the exact number in the display. The Z-1p and the 
>> MZ-5n are
>> giving the 2 oder 3.5 instead. The only lense where the f-stop in the
>> display of the MZ-S  is wrong is the old FA 3.5-4.7 28-80. (It shows 
>> 4.5)
>> Could that be a hint of a new data transfer between lens and body?
> You could be onto something, although I'm sceptical. Doesn't the MZ-S 
> specification list say KAF2 mount?
> Pål

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