Thank you for taking the time to comment on my effort.

I actually was uncertain on the focus for this shot, whether it should
be all equally sharp or whether the forground fence or the distant
sculpture should stand out a bit by being a bit sharper.  Since the
obelisk is a much more photographed and familiar object, I decided to
put it is softer focus, but clear enough to be recognizable, while
keeping attention on the faces in the fence.  I'm still not sure that is
the best, but I liked the result.

Thanks for you helpful comments.


Bob Poe wrote:

> I got a chance to view this month's PUG and several
> pics stood out for me:
> Dan Matyola's "Vigeland Park".  The graphic
> qualities of the sculpture work very well in contrast
> to the soft depth of the masses of figures carved in
> the distance.

Daniel J. Matyola                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stanley, Powers & Matyola          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Suite203, 1170 US Highway 22 East
Bridgewater, NJ 08807              (908)725-3322  fax: (908)707-0399

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