Rob mentioned a price for a new LX of $US1500. Leaving exchange rates etc
aside for a moment, I remember being quoted $3900 Australian dollars for a
new LX in 1993. Admittedly it was at a camera store located in a 50,000
population regional center, so there is no doubt that I could have done
better in the capital cities. Even so, these things were hideously
expensive, but people bought em. As far as top-specced 35mm SLR's go, Pentax
have been reasonable since the LX when compared to other marquees. I still
believe the Z-1/Z-1p cameras were bloody cheap for what they were. I used an
F90x for a while there in the early 1990's, and I can assure you that apart
from the battery grip, and a slightly higher frame rate on the N***n (if you
want it), the Z-1 was a far better camera.

 It wouldn't surprise however, to see Pentax release absolutely nothing in
the 35mm department at Photokina. All this talk about patents and IS/USM
crap is all well and good, BUT where is the evidence of any of this being
related to the photographic arm of AOC? For all we know, they might be
turning out an image-stabilized endoscope for shaky quaks?

Roll on Photokina and put us all out of our bloody misery....

Shaun Canning
PhD Student
Department of Archaeology
School of European and Historical Studies
La Trobe University, Bundoora, Vic, 3086.

Phone: 0414-967644

-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Dobo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 12 September 2002 1:27 PM
Subject: Re: Orgin Myths -- The Finale? :)

As one Pentax customer, I would care.  I bought the MZ-S because it was the
latest and greatest sort of thing, it's only a camera and I didn't _need_
it....I also bought the AF360FGZ for it, release cable, release timer (still
waiting on it).  Had I known (if our speculations are correct :)) that there
would be a higher model coming out shortly, I would never have bought the
MZ-S or its accessories.  The MZ-5n was fun, but limited as I learned more
and more, and I'd have used it until the camera we speculate on comes out.
I am also not saying there is anything wrong with the MZ-S, but for me
personally, I like to have the biggest and the best.  I don't collect any
sort of equipment, and only get what I need (or just plain want).  I sell my
old lens for better ones (and lose money on it definitely).  I know a lot of
people here are just the opposite, that's fine, but can you see it from my
point of view?  I also only dress with brand name clothes too....heh, flame
me on that! :)

I cannot speak for the LX or anything more than a few years old.

And although I do not have the financial means (without asking my parents
who are rich but don't help me out :)) to switch to a different system or
brand, if Pentax does come out with a higher spec model  (so soon, mind you,
I am not stupid and know that the MZ-S will not be the top forever),  I will
be more likely to jump ship with no problem  to get the latest thing when I
did have the financial's not like I have Pentax tattooed on me.
Hell, I could still stick with better new Pentax stuff.  Call me vain, a
wannabe, rich brat or whatever, because in some cases, I definitely am and

Anyhow, why are we spending so much time on this anyhow, we should be using
our cameras? :)

And yes Rob, I see what you are saying, I simply don't like it (if anything
happens anyhow)

Highest of high regards, :)

Brad Dobo

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Studdert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: Orgin Myths -- The Finale? :)

> On 11 Sep 2002 at 20:25, Brad Dobo wrote:
> > I can't speak on the technical parts, as I really don't
> > understand them, and haven't been using Pentax for as long as most here
> > But it seems to me that Pentax would piss off their hard-earned
customers by
> > coming out with another camera and leaving those with MZ-S cameras in a
> Hi Brad,
> They might P off a few Pentax users however have a think about price
> the last new LX buyers were paying over US$1500 for the privilege, buyers
> Nikon and Canon top end bodies also pay far more than it costs to purchase
> MZ-S. So I'd not find it unacceptable if Pentax brought out a newer higher
> spec'd body at a higher price than the MZ-S?
> Cheers,
> Rob Studdert
> Tel +61-2-9554-4110
> UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours

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