----- Original Message -----
From: Brad Dobo
Subject: Re: SMC Pentax F* Zoom 5,6/250-600

> > Perhaps they will be left in the same boat as the poor
> > Pentax users who were whinging for a new pro body (like as
> > there was ever a 35mm Pentax "pro" body, but I digress).
> > I recall about 4 years ago, they were hoping an F5 killer
> > be introduced.
> >
> > They got the MZ-S.
> I've played with an F5, it's no big thing, some cool features
but more pro
> than Pentax pro?...that's arguable.

You forget, pro is about more than the individual specifications
of the equipment. Pro is about product support, pro is about
product penetration in a very competitive market. pro is about
brand cachet, pro is about will you client still respect you the
morning after they find out what you are shooting with.
But don't forget also, pro is about the equipment being able to
get the job done as well as, or better, than the guy shooting
beside you.
If your competition has 7 FPS, then naturally, you are going to
want it as well.
Otherwise, you are not competitive.

Pentax "PRO" means 60mm film, not 35mm.
Pentax "PRO" means no product support, and little brand cachet.
And, as I found out, Pentax "PRO" means your clients won't
necessarily respect you in the morning.

This is how it has always been, how it is now, and how it will
always be.

William Robb

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