
I have been happy over the years with both Pentax and Nikon gear.  It
has mostly been a latency issue for me.  However, medium format puts a
new wrinkle in the picture for me.  I am finding that almost any shot
that can be taken with the 67II ends up being much better than with
any 35mm I have owned (Pentax, Nikon, Canon and Olympus).  This tends
to cloud the issue to some degree - for me at least.  Digital holds a
very strong future direction for me - but so does MF.  So I could see
a possibility of remaining "loyal" to Pentax in MF and someone else
for digital/35mm.  We will wait and see what Pentax does.  For the
time being, I will continue to use and fill out my MF kit.


Tuesday, September 24, 2002, 7:32:50 AM, you wrote:

RB> In other words, Being loyal to a brand does not make sense unless the
RB> brand is loyal to you.  Pentax owes us nothing, and in DSLR terms gives
RB> us nothing, therefore we should not feely bound to them by loyalty.  It
RB> is latency which holds many with good reason, the expense both in time
RB> and money of changing lens mount is hard to come to terms with for me
RB> and I don't really think I can be bothered.  Not that I am against it in
RB> principle, just that a lot of effort went into building up my current
RB> kit - I don't have it in me to start all over again right now.

RB> I have been thinking about a P&S digicam to get some digital capability,
RB> but now the Foveon offering may comparable in price, so I might grab one
RB> with a 24-70 lens for family snapshots.  This could, however, set in
RB> motion a chain of events...

RB> So who here is with Pentax because of loyalty, and who because of
RB> latency?

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Cotty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>> Sent: 24 September 2002 14:59
>> To: Pentax List
>> Subject: Loyalties (was: Re: SMC Pentax F* Zoom 5,6/250-600)
>> >> Well Gents, I have just one thing to say, whether or not 
>> Pentax comes 
>> >> up with a DSLR this year or the next or the next, you'll 
>> quickly find 
>> >> out who is truly loyal to Pentax or who is not (if one 
>> believes such 
>> >> loyalitys exist).
>> The only thing I would add to the above would be: 'Ladies' on 
>> the first 
>> line. Don't forget we have lots of interesting and excellent women 
>> photographers on this list (creep creep, hubba hubba).
>> (WARNING: long content)
>> Regarding the subject of loyalties. I've been thinking about 
>> it a lot, 
>> mainly because I am in the process of changing (some of) them?
>> I think that loyalty to one particular brand is borne of many 
>> things and 
>> circumstances. The only reason that I am loyal (still) to Pentax is 
>> because of the quality of the kit (that I enjoy using) and 
>> little else. 
>> Admittedly, that kit is (was) comprised wholly of gear that 
>> is simply not 
>> available any more. I'm referring to the venerable LX, and 
>> the various 
>> SMC lenses I own(ed). So, effectively I am loyal to Pentax in 
>> the 80's, 
>> not Pentax in the 21st century.
>> Although I do admit that the Ltd lenses are really nice, and I am 
>> impressed by them, I have seen nothing in the way of new cameras from 
>> Pentax that I would buy in order to put them on. My opinion, based on 
>> what I like, what I think works. When I picked up the MZ-S at 
>> Duxford in 
>> the summer, I had no 'gut reaction' at all. I could take it 
>> or leave it. 
>> In fact, rather than take advantage of the fact that it 
>> wasn't being used 
>> and wander about burning some film with it, I instead 
>> replaced it after 
>> ten minutes, and picked up my LX again. For me there was no 
>> comparison at 
>> all. I knew then that I would never buy an MZ-S.
>> Some of you may know that I am in the process of selling a lot of my 
>> Pentax gear in order to recoup enough funds for me to invest 
>> in a digital 
>> SLR setup. Odd that I am mentioning this on the evening of 
>> Photokina, you 
>> may think. Why didn't I wait to see what would be happening? 
>> I'm afraid I 
>> can't fully answer that question right now - I want to see 
>> what happens 
>> tomorrow :-)
>> But in an effort to try and understand my motives, I'll 
>> explain a bit of 
>> what's going on in my head...
>> First off, although I am selling some gear, I'm hardly 'switching 
>> loyalties'. First and foremost, I am a photographer. I happen 
>> to like and 
>> use Pentax cameras and lenses. I also happen to like and use a Leica 
>> camera. In the past I've owned and used Mamiya gear, more recently 
>> Bronica gear. As it happens, I'm picking up some Canon gear, 
>> and Sigma 
>> and Tokina gear. My loyalties are divided it would appear. Or 
>> are they?
>> My number one loyalty is to photography (well - my family 
>> really, but you 
>> know what I mean) and I will use whatever I think suits me 
>> best. Sure, 
>> there are favourites, why not? But each bit of my kit has a 
>> specific use 
>> and I only ever own one suitable piece of gear for each particular 
>> application. For instance, street snapping I do with the 
>> little Leica. 
>> General and portraiture with the Pentax gear. Soon this will 
>> change and 
>> the Pentax gear will (is) slimmed right down to a body and a 
>> few lenses. 
>> In comes a digital SLR and that will take over as general and 
>> portrait, 
>> the Pentax as backup and other uses. My loyalties haven't changed - I 
>> still have the Pentax gear to prove it. Okay I also have some 
>> other gear, 
>> but it doesn't mean I'm 'disloyal'......or does it?
>> When Pentax showed the DSLR concept a while back, I was 
>> really keen to 
>> get one, because I think it suits the sort of stuff I do. No wet 
>> printing, lots of computer work. My interest is in the image 
>> - and I'm 
>> more than happy with inkjet technology. I also find that 
>> having complete 
>> control is very important. I don't have a darkroom. Digital 
>> would appear 
>> to be the way forward in my case.
>> William Robb writes very wisely when he explains that 'pro' 
>> is all about 
>> support. When Sigma announce some new lenses only available in Sigma, 
>> Canon, and Nikon mounts, how does that make you feel? Could 
>> be: 'so the 
>> hell what!' Who needs Sigma when you've got all that wonderful Pentax 
>> glass? And you would be right. But doesn't the fact that 
>> Sigma are not 
>> building those lenses in K mount tell you something else? 
>> Support. Not 
>> just from Pentax, nor even from Sigma.
>> DSLRs are complicated little things. They need lots of 
>> support and not 
>> just in terms of customer care. They need developing and 
>> evolving into 
>> future products. Not that I am suggesting that a Pentax DSLR would be 
>> badly supported. Assuming a DSLR is released tomorrow (which 
>> I actually 
>> think it will be) then will it be supported in K mount in 
>> years to come? 
>> Will Pentax realise that K mount is not necessarily  the best 
>> way to join 
>> lenses to digital bodies. Will there be a KAF4? Maybe some 
>> choices to be 
>> had. Who knows....
>> Sorry for the rambling - I'm just trying to juggle a few 
>> things around in 
>> here that may pitch up a few thoughts from others. I think at 
>> the end of 
>> the day that one has to decide what to do based on what they 
>> think is the 
>> right way forward. Perhaps if if I had a bag full of new Pentax kit, 
>> MZ-Ss and Ltd lenses, and an FA 80-200 2.8, and 300 2.8 etc, 
>> I would be 
>> thinking differently. As it happens, I don't. Or didn't. I 
>> had LX, MXs, 
>> some Pentax glass, Tokina and Sigma. Most of it has gone to VERY good 
>> homes. I've made my choice, I just hope it was the right one for me.
>> Apologies for the length ladies and genitals ;-)
>> I remain,
>> Your servant,
>> Cotty
>> PS - you watch, this time tomorrow I will be pulling (what 
>> little) hair 
>> out and screaming blue murder...
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