Hi Dan,

Thanks for the additional info!

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 20:39:55 -0500, Dan Scott wrote:

>Well, if you were looking up at Santa Elena Canyon from the shore of the 
>Rig Grande, you weren't on the Mesa de Anguila. If you were looking down 
>at Santa Elena Canyon from the Very Big Rock that forms the US side of 
>the canyon, you were on the Mesa de Anguila.

I was looking up :-)

I will check my maps to see if it is doable to get up there with the 67 ...

>And yes, lightning loves the top of that thing. The last time I was 
>there with a buddy, as the sun was going down, we decided to wimp out 
>and find something softer to sleep on. As we were crossing the flood 
>plain west of the mesa, lightning started striking the area we had 
>abandonned (and all around it, too). While it would of been fun to stay 
>and watch the light show, it seemed like a good idea to the hell off of 
>the flood plain (which was much fun in the dark). <g>
>It's definately a medium or large format sort of place. I bet you are 
>going to have a great time.

I hope so!

I'll bring the 45mm, the new 100mm macro, the 200mm and some filters
plus a good tripod, so I'll be prepaired for most opportunities ...

Regards, JvW
Jan van Wijk;   http://www.dfsee.com/gallery

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