On Wed, 25 Sep 2002 07:50:54 -0700 (PDT)
Francis Alviar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to ask those who have recently concluded
> travel

I have done way too much travel, so I can answer this :)

> if there have been changes to airport security
> since this summer?  Are the screeners using more
> powerful xray machines?  Is it safe to have film pass
> through the xray or should I ask for a handcheck? 

It's probably your only option - other than buy and process
film on your destination, that is.

> More importantly do they still do handchecks with a
> smile?

In my experience, they do not offer handchecks - not even
with a frown. I was bluntly told to either feed my films
through the xray or be escorted off the airport.

Whatever the legal pretext may be is largely irrelevant:
regulations are just a piece of paper - the person in the
uniform determines the implementation...

Airport security personal can, if nothing else, make so
much troubles for you that it is, imho, not worth standing
too firmly on your rights while on site. (Write a letter of
complaint afterwards, though.....)

Just my experiences...


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