On 26 Sep 2002 at 8:52, Cesar Matamoros II wrote:

> http://cesar_abdul.homestead.com/files/Pentax/flare.jpg and
> http://cesar_abdul.homestead.com/files/Pentax/flaret.jpg

> Anyway I often push my Pentax lenses in this fashion.  It makes me the
> 'loyal' Pentaxian that I am.  I have a Nikon F3 with a small assortment of
> lenses and from experience none of the Nikon lenses can handle flare like a
> Pentax.  I have not experienced Canon lenses, only seen some shots taken by
> friends.  I get the same flare control from all my Pentax lenses not just the
> Limiteds.

Thank you César, you have just illustrated why I'm so keen for a K-mount DSLR!


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours

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