Digital ICE reduces resolution. Really, *anything* you do to a raw scan reduces the 
resolution. He scans at 3200 because it's a better (read: lower noise/signal ratio) 
scanner, which translates directly ito better resolution (despite lower dpi -- 
information theory is weird sometimes, isn't it).

According to some tests/estimates, 35mm Velvia slide contains about 12mp of 
information and 645 slide about 48mp. However, if one cares only about sharpness (as 
opposed to color detail), the numbers are quite lower, so there's no surprise that in 
sharpness tests D1s looks close to 645.

I don't know about the lattitude though. All I know is that this was a resolution 
race, and Velvia (or Provia) are the best (color) film can offer.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Rob Brigham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 13:53:08 +0100
Subject: RE: D1s review

> Mind you, he harps on about noise.  I don't therefore understand why he
> didn't use a scanner with ICE?  The digital cameras have automatic noise
> reduction in their software don't they, so why put the scans at a
> disadvantage?  Also, he says that 4000dpi is his perceived maximum of
> information from film, yet he scans at 3200?
> I don't doubt that the 1Ds 'could' match 35mm, but I have a problem
> comparing it to 645.
> The other issue in my mind is lattitude.  I have yet to see a digicam
> with the wide exposure lattitude of negative film.  Possibly 'narrow'
> slides, although I think provia is reasonably 'wide', so if the D1s can
> match that it aint bad.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mike Ignatiev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> > Sent: 26 September 2002 13:46
> > Subject: OT: D1s review
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > A pretty impressive comparison 35mm vs 645 vs Canon D1s -- 
> > seems like D1s is a undisputable winner compared to 35mm, and 
> > close to a tie with pentax 645. Now, the price...
> > 
> > Best,
> > Mishka
> > 
> > 

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