I downloaded a jpeg from that camera, and printed it on my Epson 1270 on max
rez at 11x14 with premium glossy and...

Holy crap...

I can see why there is a glut of used MF stuff on the market now.

It is as good or better than the best of my 35mm stuff at that size. Clean
as a whistle, not a pixel out of place, with sharpness and detail in the
highlights and the shadows that meets or exceeds the finest 100 ASA films at
that size. Film still wins in the size department, but you would need a
humungous scanner, or to have it professionally done at considerable cost.
The images are breathtaking, with detail as good as a good scan of 120 film.
A really good scan. As in, NO DROPPED PIXELS ANYWHERE, and NO DUST OR
SCRATCHES. PERIOD. The camera is at the present some $9,000.00 USD, but that
price will drop. The next year or two will be critical in the digital vs.
film race for resolution.
And Pentax hasn't even entered the fray.

This is a MAJOR blunder by them.

Cameron Hood

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