
I, too, have not had very good luck with Fuji.  I will say that for
cheap consumer film, the 800 Superia is pretty good - much better than
the Kodak zoom max (whatever they call it now) stuff.

Like you, I have been mostly using Portra and Optima II.  I'm going to
try another roll or two of the Agfa Portrait and pay special attention
to the lab to see how it turns out.  My last experience with it wasn't
very good.  I'll keep you posted.


Thursday, September 26, 2002, 6:32:01 AM, you wrote:

DB> Hi Wendy.
DB> Finally someone else besides myself has a problem
DB> with the Fuji 400.I would get a blue hue to all
DB> the proofs.Oh and were i take it is a Fuji lab,
DB> and he's a Fuji shooter,so i'll assume he knows the product.

DB> Dave(switched to Portra and Optima II for colour)Brooks

DB> ---- Begin Original Message ----

DB> From: wendy beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
DB> Sent: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 00:11:38 -0400
DB> Subject: Re: Pentax AutoFocus / Consumer Fast Film

DB> At 23:36 25-9-2002 -0400, you wrote:
>>Did I read you wrong when you said  'the vile Fugi 400 stuff'?  Do 
DB> you mean
>>the older versions or did you mistype Fugi and meant Kodak or 
DB> something?
>>Brad Dobo

DB> No, I meant Fuji (superia) 400.
DB> 200 is fine, 800 is fine. I just don't know what they did to the 400 
DB> to 
DB> make it so gruesome. Luminous greens - yuk.

DB> Wendy

DB> ---
DB> Wendy Beard
DB> Ottawa, Canada
DB> home page http://www.beard-redfern.com

DB> ---- End Original Message ----

DB> Pentax User
DB> Stouffville Ontario Canada
DB> http://home.ca.inter.net/brooksdj/
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