> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Dayton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> David,
> I, too, have not had very good luck with Fuji.  I will say that for
> cheap consumer film, the 800 Superia is pretty good - much
> better than
> the Kodak zoom max (whatever they call it now) stuff.
> Like you, I have been mostly using Portra and Optima II.
> I'm going to
> try another roll or two of the Agfa Portrait and pay
> special attention
> to the lab to see how it turns out.  My last experience
> with it wasn't
> very good.  I'll keep you posted.

Have you used any of the Fuji NPx stuff? It seems to be about a 1/2
stop faster...skin tones and contrast are good, as you would expect
from a portrait film, though I suspect the color balance has quite a
bit to do with the paper it's printed on.

Portra is useless on anything other than Kodak paper. There's a
built-in color shift.

NPZ kicks mucho ass.


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