On 26 Sep 2002 at 21:18, Bruce Rubenstein wrote:

> There has been a longish thread on a professional photographer's digital
> forum and their comments are similar: Digital must be treated like slide,
> and not print film when it comes to exposure - don't blow out the
> highlights. It's easy to check the histogram in the camera to make sure.
> Shadow detail is there, it just may need some PS help. Overall, the dynamic
> range is similar to print film, i.e. grater than slide film.

This has been my experience with digital also. My camera has three in-camera 
contrast settings, the high contrast setting provides similar latitude to slide 
and the lowest provides a very wide usable latitude. 

The correlation with slide film behaviour is very easy to make since digital is 
also a positive media. Slide film saturates (shows only base media) when it 
gets too much light digital has no more bits to store the data (it clips).



Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours

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