
My apologies for my misreading of your post.  I took the meaning that you
objected to the language of the insults, rather than the insults themselves.
I certainly wasn't aware that you had been the recipient of any insults
before your "Bye bye" message was posted.

If I was a doctor I'd enjoy being called "Doc".  Excuse me for assuming that
you would, too.

FWIW I was the recipient of the "shit-for-brains" comment, and while it was
framed in other words I and the whole list knew what the meaning was.  I'm
pleased to say that I carved up Bruce Rubenstein for that (using all the
Sang Froid I could muster) and he has been too gutless to respond to me
since, it seems he's only interested in easy little victories.  So you see
I've had to endure the insults and not just read them.

As for the language, I have no problem, but this time around the worst I've
written was "fart" so the list-moms shouldn't be too upset :-)

Come back soon, these things always blow over.

Anthony Farr

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