What's all this about a "flagship" camera?  Isn't the MZ-S the flagship of
the line?  It's the dream camera that appears to have been designed with
most of the hopes of the PDMLers in mind.  What's it missing, a removable
finder? 10fps winder?

I'm happy that Pentax has a camera to compete with the F100 and EOS-3.  The
MZ-S does all that I ask of it, has build quality to be proud of, and is
friendly enough that you could just hug it.  Does anyone really want Pentax
to make an F5 equivalent, that costs twice the price of an MZ-S and takes 8
AA batteries?  For that money, just grab a 67II and be done.  Most top pros
shooting fashion and portraits are shooting medium format anyway.  N***n and
C***n don't even try to compete in that field.  Do their list members beat
their chests over that?  I doubt it.

Pat White

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