I don't really follow all of this, mainly because any "new" tech that
comes out, I can't afford, and I'm quite happy with what I've got now..
But, all this talk of IS lenses and converters and other fun stuff..
What's the chance it has nothing to do with 35mm, and that the IS lenses
were intended for the 645 system?

645 IS lenses: There's a market NO ONE has, yet, and probably won't...
Canon, Sigma, and Nikon don't have MF cameras (although I believe that
Nikon makes Bronica lenses?).

It would be easy to corner a market that doesn't exist, if the existing
35mm IS lenses are all based on Pentax patents (as I've read), then
presumably they don't have to license it out to any other manufacturers,
and if the P645 is considered a favourite among field photographers,
imagine having stabilized lenses on something like that.

I would say that IS 645 (or 67) lenses would far outweigh a digital back
among wildlife photogs, etc, especially (as I'm lead to understand), most
MF digital backs need to be tied to a PC to use them. Its also been said
many times that the Pentax pro segment is 645, not 35mm. Finally, haven't
we seenupdated MF cameras from Pentax both relativly recently (645nII,
67II), are there contacts that might support this feature?

OK, someone shoot me down!

         "The destructive character is cheerful."  - Walter Benjamin

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