Ken Waller wrote:

> What was the size of the images that you were comparing?


The pictures I refer to were around 50x70cm, not postcards.

In any case, my statement that "good digital SLR's can match more or less
the quality of 24x36mm film SLR's" means that they compare "more or less",
not that I did a scientific comparison and that they are identical. Also,
you can also take several shots with different film SLR's and lenses, and
they cannot be completely identical.
However, I saw some enlargements of shots made by my friend with his S2 Pro,
and I wish my film pictures could always be so good from the technical point
of view.
Also, I saw some late evening shots taken with teh S2 Pro, and my friend
also confirmed me that he was never able to get so good results with his
film camera and excellent lenses (Pentax MX, MZ-5 and FAé 24mm/2 FA 35mm/2
and FA* 85mm/1.4).
So I'm pretty convinced that good digital SLR can compete very well with
film SLR's.

BTW, that's also the opinion of Dr. Anders Uschold, who recently made some
serious scientific comparison (paid by Olympus). OK, I'll publish his report
very soon, and then I'll send you the link.


Dario Bonazza

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