
I guess I should also mention that my test of Agfa Portrait rated at
125 went quite well.  It is a bit warmer film than Kodak or Fuji in
the portrait arena.  I didn't see any of the shiny hotspots I saw last
time.  I had a few 35mm frames blown up to 8X10 and didn't see any bad
grain.  I am going to get a few more rolls in 120 and try some more.

Agfa is one of my favorite brands of film.  I really like the RSXII
stuff - nice, neutral color and can be used for all occasions.  I also
very much like their Optima II line for prints.  Great reds for
Southern Utah red-rock country and decent skin tones.


Tuesday, October 8, 2002, 4:16:01 PM, you wrote:

J> RSX II 50 & 100 are great for Autumn colours, if exposed and processed
J> properly.

J> I returned from my Muskokas outing with only 7 rolls of film exposed (lousy
J> weather).
J> The processing by Aaron turned out just great. I love the sharpness and
J> colour rendition of these 6x9 trannies.

J> Hoping to continue shooting some more next weekend, in the Ottawa area.

J> Jeff.

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