William Kane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I know we've talked about this before, but I REALLY need a good model 
>release form to use.  If anyone has one that they like, would they send 
>it along?  I need some basic wording . . . I plant to use it so that I 
>can put up the results of my students work (on the net), nad their faces 
>are captured in the video and photos . . .

I got this one from another PDML member (I forget who - perhaps Bill Cornett?) a
few years ago. I formatted it to fit two on a single letter-size sheet of paper;
easy to cut in half and get something that fits in a camera bag. On my web site
(for a limited time only!) at http://www.robertstech.com/files/releasex.pdf

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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