In a message dated 10/9/02 11:33:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Really for what they cost and ease of use, etc, they are really fantastic

cameras.  I know they don't suit most of us here (unless in unusual

circumstances or emergencies (when your backup's backup goes  :))

My brother 2 years go spent the summer in Western Europe and had a bunch of

I think Fuji 800 speed.  He actually had some really nice shots.  Of course,

he went with 3 buddies and every other picture was taken by a

waitress/hostess of them in all the different bars, pubs, and clubs.  It was

basically a BIG club hop trip for them :)

So ya, if you want to record memories, or scenery you really can't beat

disposables for the money and easy of use.  (Lets not get into digital

cameras and the point at which they pay for themselves :))

Brad Dobo >>

I have to disagree here. If I'm going to spend whatever it costs to develop 
film, I want it to be high quality. My daughter often uses a Samsung point 
and shoot camera we have around the house and whenever I develop the film I 
wonder if I should just ditch the camera. (And this is a decent little point 
and shoot.)If the conditions are perfect, the camera is capable of good 4x6 
pictures, but if flash is required the pictures usually begin to fall apart. 
I can't imagine getting good pictures with a disposable loaded with 800 asa 
film. I recognize that everyone has different expectations of the film they 
get back, but disposables are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for 
anyone who cares, in the least, about their photos. 


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