thanks for that Jostein.
A very elaborate answer, which I hope I have understood fully.
I have a few doubts, which might seem silly... please bear with me.

* if I am going to depress the film rewind button and prevent the film from
advancing, why would I need to tighten the rewind crank with a rubber band?

* about partly covering the lens - would this affect the background image,
as this would have to be a long time exposure? (unless I take it in daylight
and return to the exact spot later).

thanks again. now to wait for another 10 days or so ....


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jostein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Arathi-Sridhar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 1:22 AM
Subject: Re: how to: full moon with silhouette

> Hi, Sridhar.
> 1/125 f/11 @ ISO 200 sounds pretty right for capturing moon detail.
> I think I'd suggest a double exposure.
> 1. Use the film rewind krank to tighten up the film. Try to keep it tight
> with a rubber band
>     or something.
> 2. Partly cover the lens to exclude the moon, and take the silhouette
>     I don't dare to guess exposure times here... Maybe some experimenting
> first
>     is a good idea.
> 3. Push in the film rewind button on the bottom side of the camera, and
> it in while...
> 4. Cock the shutter. The film will not advance.
> 5. Expose again, this time with the moon. Use the settings you mentioned.
>     Note that you may have to adjust the tripod if the moon has moved far
> during the first
>     exposure. The only thing you need to know is where in the frame you
> the
>     moon to be, because, as you have seen, the moon-exposure will not
> any detail
>     in the hilltop anyway.
> Hope I understood your question right...
> Best,
> Jostein
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Arathi-Sridhar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 8:22 PM
> Subject: how to: full moon with silhouette
> Hi.
> I tried and goofed this time too. Well the setting was this:
> hill quite close by, and wished to take a full moon shot as it rose from
> behind the hill. Around 7:30 pm, and it was pretty dark (gets dark around
> 7).  hoped to get the silhouette of the hill alongwith. As suggested here,
> gave it 1/125 and f8 (and another closer to f11). Konica Centuria 200.
> The negative shows a small bright spot, which would represent a somewhat
> overexposed moon, and nothing else.
> How do I get the silhouette of the hill? Do I need to make double
> If so, can I do it with my K1000?
> this one is bothering me, really.
> thanks in advance.
> -Sridhar

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