----- Original Message -----
From: Rob Studdert
Subject: Re: Cameron's Pentax Comments

> On 13 Oct 2002 at 8:13, William Robb wrote:
> > At the risk of being tiresome, if not having a large format
> > was costing you money, you'd buy one, and would accept that
> > Pentax doesn't support it, because they never have supported
> > Why is a digital SLR any different?
> Because it should only be a like a media change (ie add a
digi-body) not a
> format change (add body and lenses). I've got a bloody MF rig
and I accept that
> I can't use my 35mm lenses on it. However the convention in
DSLR development in
> the major camps is that neither Nikon or Canon users had to
dump their existing
> kit to add the scope of digital image capture to their kits.
So this is why
> they aren't whining, they just have to pout about the
competition having 5%
> more pixels, poor sods.

The convention in DSLR development is geared to the user of pro
oriented equipment. This is why the digital SLR bodies have been
based on pro oriented 35mm camera bodies.
Pentax doesn't have a history of pro support, and has no history
at all in the pro 35mm body segment.
We all bought into Pentax knowing what they made, and what they
had a history of making, and what markets they supported, and
what markets they had a history of supporting, and what markets
they had supported at one time and had dropped out of.
Or at least, I did.
Others may have walked in the door with a different set of
I think they were kidding themselves.
You are asking for a camera from a company that doesn't make and
has never supported cameras in the market niche you are wanting
to buy into, digital or otherwise.
If, and this is a big if, Pentax chooses to market a DSLR (and I
don't think they will), it will be based on the MZ-5 chassis,
and will not have pro specifications.
If that happens, there won't be any cheering from the peanut
gallery, there will be another collective bitch-out because once
again, Pentax didn't get it right, and has failed their customer
I liked this list a lot more when it was about film and
photography. I thought I had useful stuff to contribute back

William Robb

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