On Sun, 13 Oct 2002, Malcolm Smith wrote:
> A fair point. You must also consider the point that the real money is to be
> made with the take up of new camera users (90% of new camera sales to under
> 20s is digital), and maybe they consider what sells now is more important to
> the company. I know as a film user for an SLR camera, I am in a minority. I
> haven't put money directly into the hands of Pentax ever.

Something everyone keeps missing as the digital SLR conversation goes
around and around AND AROUND AGAIN!

Pentax DOES make digital cameras. Several of them, and some half-decent
ones if I read what people say here right. They make digital "point and
shoots," and presumably, they make them because its what people want.

Outside of technofetishists, professionals, and the idlerich, people
aren't clamouring for digital SLRs. I see the same sales figures that
people post here again and again, and as I see it NO ONE is buying digital
SLRs in bulk. I don't think that'll ever change, at least until the prices
on them drop down to reasonable levels, that is to match the price of a
regular film-based SLR now.

So, to address your comment, sure, all the under-20's are buying digital
cameras now, and Pentax has offerings out there for them...

You know, the DSLR debate would be much more interesting if there was onyl
something new for one o fyou to add to it, but I'm afraid over teh last
six months, I've seen everything there's to be said, at least once,

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