On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Brad Dobo wrote:
> Geez, have people ignored my apology email and still want to comment?  It's

Check the time stamp, bubby.. ;)

When I get in on the flaming action, I make sure I start quick before the
issue's been beaten, the offender appologized, and the whole thing
forgotten.. Strike while the iron, or the language as the case may be, is

> the message was a poor angry joke, as I beleive (and I hope I have a right
> to my opinion??????) no one at Pentax is watching let alone care what we
> write.

Yes, but the US government is now monitoring your subversive Canadian ways
through the magic of Carnivore...

We're onto your "hockey" and we won't take your pleading aboots any more!

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