
f/8 or be square!



Tuesday, October 15, 2002, 4:27:52 PM, you wrote:

> This is a techniques/opinions/experiences thread . . .

> I was always a big fan of telephotos, it has been a real change to use
> my new Pentax 20-35 zoom.  In particular, I'm learning whole new ways to
> think about depth of  field.  With this in mind, the big question is:

> How do you think about DOF in the artistic sense and how does that
> manifest itself in you photography?

> What I'm looking for here is personal tendencies.  Do you like maximum
> sharpness everywhere of narrow selection with nice bokeh.  Yes, I know
> that it depends on the subject (portrait vs. landscape)  but I'm looking
> for the range of personal expression.

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