> Folks:
> Snip>

>  So long as the original is available,


And would someone like to define  "original"?   I'm always very careful
about how much weight I give an "original."   A lot of things can happen
between the object of interest and the film/sensor.   Or, am I missing
something here?

Otis Wright

> Paul G.
> Milwaukee, Wi.
>> I agree totally...well said - particularly the part
>> about digitally creating a film-based image.  Also,
>> beyond photography, the world in general will be
>> interesting when everything can be regenerated or
>> simulated to appear as indistinguishable from an
>> original and nothing can adjudicate reality.
>> --- Steve Desjardins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > As I mentioned elsewhere, I think this distinction
>> > will become even more
>> > blurred when it becomes easier to create a
>> > film-based image from a
>> > digital one.  as I understand it, even now you need
>> > someone to swear
>> > that the photo was not manipulated, which diminishes
>> > its value as
>> > something closely tied to reality.   Even CCTV
>> > images are ultimately
>> > going to depend on someone vouching for their
>> > authenticity.

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