Well, in my case, I have used 35mm cameras since about 1936 or '7, and
that was with Retinas.
Since then, my interest in photography has waxed and waned a little,
but still remained high.
I appreciate the better known movers and shakers in professional
photography, but don't have a clue as to what they use, nor do I
particularly care.
I'm capable of making up my own mind, and couldn't parrot what they
use anyhow!
So, I read and listen to those on lists like this, and go out and buy
what I can afford.
I can't shoot like a "pro" nor can I afford the equipment they
use...so why covet and try to emulate?

In this way, with this attitude I ended up with Pentax. Arguably the
best lenses on the market for anything even remotely approaching the
price, and is good ergonomically (for me, with what I've chosen) and
this is where I've settled. I'm happy.

I have never even once bought a camera because someone else liked it,
or had one.
Cache, reputation, status among the so-called intelligensia means
nothing to me.
If I like it, if I can take photos up to the level of my personal
expertise, then it's a good tool for me.

I've decided I can do that with my mostly manual Pentaxes, with their
highly sophisicated lenses.  <g>
The rest is up to me!

If I could shoot regularly and get the immediacy and impact of Cotty's
recent futball photos, I'd be one very, very happy fella!

keith whaley

William Robb wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Steve Desjardins
> Subject: Re: Re[3]: how many bodies do you own
> > I wonder (seriously) how many choose a camera system based on
> lenses and
> > how many based on bodies?
> Just a guess, I think that people base their buying decision a
> lot on herd mantality.
> Most pros use Nikon or Canon, therefore Nikon and Canon are the
> only brands looked at. This is not a bad thing, as Nikon and
> Canon actually provide real product support, which is something
> all the other 35mm camera makers are lacking in one way or
> another (with the possible exception of Leica), and they are
> both fine camera systems.
> Amatuers buy cameras, based on the cachet value of the brand.
> Pros use Nikon or Canon, therefore Nikon and Canon are better
> cameras.
> Of course, they buy Rebels and F60s, but the purchase decision
> is based on what the pros use.
> There is always a percentage of people who go with the underdog,
> and they buy Pentax.
> William Robb

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