On Saturday, October 26, 2002, at 12:07 AM, Alan Chan wrote:

I personally still have doubts on their claim, as Paal and Cotty have both said that the new D-SLR will be based on a new SLR design. Any comments?
It would be logical to borrow the design from other MZ/ZX bodies (like MZ-L) to minimize the manufacturing cost imho. Why would anyone want to pay the extra on a high quality metal body when it's going to be worthless in 6 months?

Alan Chan


It won't be worthless in 6 months; large numbers of us will have to wait quite awhile to save up for new ones, so that should keep the price of used ones up for awhile. Besides, I can't see Pentax becoming one of the Body of the Month camera makers--I don't know if they have the resources, but they certainly don't seem to have the temperament.

Dan Scott

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