Question 1:

1) FA* 28-70 2.8. A lens that I own that never ceases to amaze  me (sorry

2) FA 24-90. Have heard good things, and would be an excellent travelling

3) FA 28-105 original powerzoom. My first lens with the PZ1-P, and when I
look back on the shots I got with that thing, it was bloody marvelous for a
zoom. I'm sorry I sold it now (except for the unavoidably dark viewfinder).

Question 2:

1) Tamron 28-105 f=2.8. Don't think they ever made it for Pentax, the

2) Tokina 28-70 f=2.6-2.8 Atx wing-wang Pro telemacrohypercosmiczoomamatic

3) New Tokina ATX 28-70 hypercosmiczoomamatic zoompro WA telemacro HSM IF ED

I wouldn't own a Sigma lens on a bet; not after a friends front element fell
out and we discovered it was held in by double-sided tape (yes, from the

Question 3)

FA* 24-120 f=2.8 HSM IS IF POWERZOOM with focussing down to a foot

Limited 24-90 f=3.14685211916075234444... with POWERZOOM and in black;
(Limited Pi)


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